In today's rapidly developing electronics technologies, there is
a need for a multidisciplinary approach to the solution of major
challenges. Our role as coordinators of networks of excellence is to
facilitate and encourage the interaction of disparate expertise in a
variety of technical fields in both industrial and academic
environments and thus promote the development of new synergies that
will bring about efficient solutions to ever more complex problems.
We currently coordinate SETNET, the Semiconductor Test Network and
have coordinated E3NET, the Electronics for Extreme Environments
Network, Silicon Futures. a network of leading UK universities
involved in semiconductor research, and HITEN, the High Temperature
Electronics Network.
In this role we develop and maintain the network websites, develop
resources for the network members, organise meeting and conferences,
and provide a centre for network management and points of contact..
We have organised a number of 3 day postgraduate research
conferences in Electronics, Photonics, Computing Science,
Communications & Networks.
These are PREP 2003, PREP 2004 and PREP 2005.
We have also been involved in several major interdisciplinary
research and development programmes.